Minimum Standards
Entry level qualifications ensure that those entering the career development profession have the appropriate career development-specific skills, knowledge and competencies to undertake work in the career development field.
The minimum qualifications required to be recognized are :
Professional Career Development Practitioner
An approved /recognised Bachelor degree or Vocational Graduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma or Master degree
Plus atleast 5 years of relevant or closely related work experience
Associate Career Development Practitioner
An endorsed certification as above and
Atleast 2 years skilled work experience
An alternative pathway to both Professional and Associate status as may be approved on a case by case basis by the National Executive Committee in line with Policy and Procedures developed by the Council.
Recognition of Prior Learning
(RPL) is the ‘acknowledgement of a person’s skills and knowledge acquired through previous training, work or life experiences which may be used to grant status or credit in a subject or module. Prior learning, experience and competencies may be assessed at either the professional or associate career development practitioner level by a relevant training provider or educational institution and not by the Council.